. CAESIM 2024 - Aerodynamics

A D V A N C E D   C O M P U T E R - A I D E D   E N G I N E E R I N G   S O L U T I O N S

H A V E   a   Q U E S T I O N ?

E X P L O R E     U N L I M I T E D   S I M U L A T I O N   P O S S I B I L I T I E S !

C O M P U T E R - A I D E D   E N G I N E E R I N G   S I M U L A T IO N   P L A T F O R M

F L U I D   F L O W,   H E A T   T R A N S F E R,   A N D   M U L T I - P H Y S I C S


Computational Fluid Dynamic techniques have been long used in the aerospace industry to predict in-flight characteristics of military and commercial aircrafts, missiles or space vehicles. CFD simulations can provide critical design information such as lift, drag, and thermal loads. The CAESIM package includes advanced capabilities for aerodynamic analysis of bodies in turbulent compressible flows.

CAESIM simulates the highly compressible turbulent flow field around a missile in the hypersonic flow flight regime. Critical parameters such as skin heating characteristics and/or shock wave interactions are directly available from the numerical simulations. Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) schemes are implemented to guarantee a sharp capture of shock waves and pressure fonts around the missile.

Hypersonic Flow

Hypersonic Simulations

The design of hypersonic flight aircraft, rocket propulsion systems, and missile systems require solving complex fluid flow and chemical combustion problems. Chemical reaction plays an important role when the temperature of a fluid is very high.

Air Dissociation Temperature Ranges

Shock Waves

Analysis of unsteady compressible flow problems invariably involves the resolution of shock waves internal to the flow domain. The development of high-resolution TVD schemes allows for solving problems involving unsteady compressible flow.

Aerodynamic Simulations

Hypersonic Flow

Missile @ Mach 6.0


Hypersonic Flow

Missile @ Mach 12.0


External Flow

Projectile with blunt nose


External Flow

Vehicle re-entry


Internal Flow

Flow through turbine


External/Internal Flow

767 engine intake


External Flow

3D plane with water drop


Internal Flow

Flow between turbine blades


External Flow

2D 767 airplane



2D moving airfoil using FSI


Additional Information

Computing Lift and Drag



Flight Landing Demo



Hypsonic Flight




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